The Dois Irmãos hike, or Two Brothers hike which is the english translation is one of the most scenic hikes you can do in Rio. Get of the main tourist strip and get out on natural adventure, right next to the city. The hike takes about 1 hour of moderate uphill walking and at the top you are rewarded with an amazing view over the entire city of Rio de Janeiro. Read this article to learn how to do this hike without a guide for less then 30$R

Why Hike The Dois Irmãos (Two brothers)?

A lot of people visit Rio without seeing what is outside the city and the beaches. The truth is that the rainforests around Rio are incredibly beautiful and full of wildlife. This easy hike gives you one of the best views over Rio de Janeiro and lets you experience the rainforest without really leaving the city. From the top of the two brothers hike you can see the entire city and ocean laying beneath you.

  • Best view over the city
  • Easy/moderate hike (about 1 hour)
  • Arrive at the beginning of the trail within 30 minutes from Ipanema
  • Get to see the life in Vidigal, one of Rio’s Safest favelas
  • Easy to do without a guide
  • Enjoy the wildlife in Rio de Janerio
  • Best way to get rid of a hangover is an adventure

Step by Step Guide for the Dois Irmãos Hike

The start of the hike is located near the top of the Vidigal Favela, but don’t be alarmed! Worried about going through a favela? Don’t worry – Vidigal is turning into a tourist hotspot by combining the alternative vibe of a favela with trendy bars, art, and clothing stores. Right now Vidigal is completely pacified and you don’t need a guide to enter, you can even walk by yourself through the streets if you feel like it.

How to get to the top without a guide

  1. Take an Uber to Praça do Vidigal.
  2. Take a scooter taxi or van from there to the start of the trail. There will be a line of taxis waiting and even if they don’t speak much English they will know where to go. Just say Trilha or Dois Irmãos and they will take you there. The scooter taxi is 7 R$ and the van is 10 R$. Make sure to agree on the price before starting the ride!

    This ride is one of the highlights of the hike! You’ll see the entire favela on the way up and get an authentic scooter ride, a real adventure!
    Moto taxi line from Praça do Vidigal
  3. The taxi drops you off 50 meters from the entrance of the trail, where you’ll need to pay an entrance fee of 10R$ per person. Don’t be worried if you see people with guns. If fact, when I did the hike there were several guys sitting outside the entrance with weapons. These people will not bother you, but make sure that you don’t take any pictures.
  4. Hike to the top – The trail is really easy to follow and you don’t need a map to get to the top as there is only one path. The climb is about an hour of easy/moderate hiking.
  5. Enjoy the amazing view from the top of Morro Dois Irmãos.
  6. Go back the same way as you came. You can catch a van/scooter to drive by where you got dropped of which should be the same price as on the way up. If you are not tired, you can also walk down the favela on the main street and stop at one of the bars to celebrate a completed hike.

Packing List for the Dois Irmãos hike

  • At least 30R$ cash as all payments will be in Cash. (I would bring a bit more just in case!)
  • A water bottle, 1 liter per person should be enough.
  • Sneakers or running shoes
  • Sunscreen, A good part of the trail is in the shade but at the end you will walk in the sun.


I think this is one of the best hikes you can do if you are in Rio on a visit. Especially if you are either short on time or on a budget.The hike will give you one of the best views of Rio de Janeiro and also let you experience the rainforest of Rio de Janeiro. Follow the steps in this article and you can do the Dois Irmãos hike without a guide for less than 30$R!

Looking for more things to do in Rio de Janeiro? Check out this article on the top things to do in Rio de Janeiro!


If you are not already confident doing the hike on your own, one of these sections will give you the answers you need to feel confident embarking on this small adventure.

Can I do the Dois Irmãos hike for Sunrise?

Yes you can, and the sunrise from the Two Brothers hike is said to be one of the best sunrises in Rio. This does add another level of difficulty however and I would personally not do this without someone that knows the path or at least with someone that speaks Portuguese. The path will be empty and even though Vidigal is considered safe I would recommend going as a group or with a guide if you want to do this hike for sunrise-.

Is Vidigal Safe?

Yes, Vidigal is considered a safe Favela and you can walk to the top without any problems (November 2024). There are plenty of stuff to see and some nice stores. A good Idea can be to take a taxi to the top and then walk down after the hike to breathe in the vibe of this alternative neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro.
Note: Always to make sure to ask about the current situation in your hostel/hotel before entering any Favela.

Can I hike Dois Irmãos in the rain?

No, you can’t! Even though the hike is easy, the path can be a bit steep and gets very slippery in the rain. Doing the hike in light rain is probably fine but on days with heavy rain or thunder you should avoid this hike.

How difficult is the Two Brothers hike?

It is not very challenging hike. It takes around 1 hour of walking to get to the top and there are no technical sections. I’ve seen some guides saying the hike is very tough, which is an exaggeration. If you have some very basic fitness and make sure to bring enough water you will succeed doing the hike without a problem.

Is the Two Brothers hike suitable for children?

Physically I would say that there is no problem to do the hike with kids older then 10 years old. There are also some viewpoints without any railing which is worth considering before bringing your children for this hike.

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